At Home in Nature Page 15
Far from surrendering personal freedom, by enhancing our partnerships with each other, with other species and with the earth itself, we could address the very real dangers we face as a species and redirect our destiny toward a more equitable and sustainable eco-centric (rather than egocentric) future. The increased sense of well-being and fulfillment from knowing ourselves to be a part of a far greater entity than ourselves could far outweigh the loss of individual aggrandizement and help us transcend the violent forces of tribalism and nationalism. Then the collective organism of Humanity might grow out of its adolescent and self-indulgent stage of development into more soulful, responsible and conscionable adulthood. Rather than fighting about which fictional order has the right and capability to control the world, we could focus our conscious attention on evidence of the very real and infinitely wonderful order that already exists. Like whirlpools in the tide, we might learn to play a small part in the spontaneous evolution of the community of creatures and plants that contribute to the magnificent living whole we call the planet Earth. We might realize the far higher potential of rediscovering where we belong – that nature is in fact our home and in nature we are at home. We are nature. We are not separate or superior.
“More cobbler, anyone?”
ROB WOOD has been a professional architect, pioneering mountaineer, organizer of ocean-to-alpine expeditions, instructor of wilderness self reliance at Strathcona Park Lodge and a founding member of the Friends of Strathcona Park, a protest group that helped stop logging and mining in the park. He and his wife, Laurie, still live on Maurelle Island, British Columbia.
Copyright © 2017 by Rob Wood
First Edition
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RMB | Rocky Mountain Books Ltd.
Cataloguing data available from Library and Archives Canada
ISBN 9781771602501 (paperback)
ISBN 9781771602518 (electronic)
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